Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Verminous Horde Shows Itself!

Picture time, here's everything Skaven that I've finished so far:
 Warlord Massiskikk the Scourgebringer!
 Grey Seer Velsisk.
 Engineer Thant.

 Infernal Devices of Clan Skyre.

 Horrors of Clan Moulder.
And what would any Skaven force be without the humble Clanrats?

I've done another 40 Clanrats but only to tabletop standard, so I won't show them till they're done (gives me incentive :p).

Also currently painting a Doomwheel (*excited chittering*) so should have pics next week.
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Hello world!


I'm a long time Warhammer/Warhammer 40k player recently returned to the fold after a, oh, 6 year break or thereabouts. I'm starting this blog for the same reason that many seem to, to provide motivation for my hobby during those times when my enthusiasm falters. I collected many an army in my younger days, yet they are almost entirely in a terrible state, so while I will eventually be spending time and blog space on getting them fixed and painted (yup, I used to be a grey plastic fielder), I thought I'd make a fresh start when I came back to the hobby with the Island of Blood box. Which army did I choose? Well, both! But I've started with the Skaven (High Elves have yet to even be assembled). So since these are the little critters which occupy my mind most right now, I expect most of what I put here will be related to them, for the time being at least.

And that's it, blog post number 1!

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