Thursday, 21 June 2012

To the Skies!!

My local GW is doing an Apocalypse game this Saturday for fliers, skimmers and jump infantry only, so I thought I use that as an excuse to slow down with the Skaven and get some Assault Marines painted up.

A quick note about me and Space Marines, I have a large and neglected pile of them from my much younger days in the hobby and a while back decided I wanted to redo them as a Dorn successor chapter. After looking around the 40k wiki I settled on the Iron Fists, because the colours looked fun and I liked the back story. However painting marines is something I've always found tedious so I wanted to find a way of quickly doing them, basically by making the majority of the model a wash over Astronomicon Grey. This was my first attempt:

I was pretty pleased with it, but I pretty much left it there thinking I'd get around to the rest of them at some point in the future.

However, when I came to do my Assault Marines I realised there was a problem, namely that the most important paint in my scheme, Asurman Blue wash, is nothing like the new Drakenhof Nightshade shade, but as I don't have enough of the old colour I had to switch to the new one and hope for the best. Anyway, here are the results:

Its hard to decide which wash I like better (though the point is moot since Drakenhof is the only real option without hunting down an Asurman lookalike) but while I really like the colour of the Asurman Blue, Drakenhof does make them look dirtier, which is cool.

Anyhoo, this was a fun distraction but back to clanrats I go.
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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Finished BSB

Just got this done and I'm pretty pleased with the result.

I did the banners first so that I could hold the model further up without rubbing off the paint, and after I did them I wasn't really taken with them. I imagine many people have similar feelings when it comes to freehanding though, since it takes practice to really get the image in your head onto the model. But anyway, now that the whole thing's done I'm happier with them.

I'm sure some of you have noticed the out of place shiny bits on the top banner in the second picture. It seems that Agrax Earthshade sometimes goes on matt, and other times glossy. Yeah. :/

Anyway, back to painting clanrats I go!

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