Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Artillery standing by.

More Guard, this time some reinforcements from the Manchesini 148th Artillery.

Left to paint:

2 Mortar Heavy Weapon Squads
2 Sentinels
1 Lord Commissar

I'm so close I can taste the finish line (tastes good!).
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Monday, 5 November 2012

Platoon no.2 Reporting!

More Guardsmen from the Asardis 61st!

Getting close to the finish line with these guys now, which is a pretty good feeling. Should have it all done before the end of the year, then on to the next project!

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Sunday, 4 November 2012

Armoured Fist

I always loved the old Armoured Fist Squad entry in Codex Imperial Guard, before it became that anyone and their aunt can have their own Chimera. Having one in my army doesn't really fit with the light infantry theme I'm going for, so I figured it would have to be included as assistance from a mechanised company. So here they are, a little mech support for my Asardis lads from the Indantium 29th Armoured Company.

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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

A foul emissary appears...

As a break from my Guard (pics coming soon) I've painted up a Plague Priest. This is an old model (kindly donated by a friend) which I'm pretty certain wasn't intended to be a Plague Priest, but I think works pretty well as a lvl1 scroll bearer.

I tried a few new things with this model, like painting his flesh to look very sickly, and painting his fur a more blondy brown. I think the first worked well, not sure about the second.

Back to the Guard production line I go!
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Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Guard on Parade.

Thought it's about time I get some pics of my Imperial Guard up. These were the guys I first started painting when I got back into the hobby just over a year ago, and at the time it was the most advanced paint scheme I had ever painted. Which doesn't say much.

Going back to them though I'm pleased with how they look, although simple in scheme they still make an impressive display on the board though I say so myself, and the simpler nature of the scheme has allowed me to paint more of them quickly.

So without further ado, I present the men of the Asardis 61st Light Infantry!

These red beret lads are my Company Command Squad, accompanied by a bright blue wearing liaison from the Manchesini 148th Artillery.
 My purple beret platoon's Command Squad.
 A and B squads of purple platoon.
 Turquoise berets mark the light artillery squads.
Black berets for the Veteran Squad. Note the shotguns which are pretty terrible in 6th ed. Oh well, they still look cool :).
 Lord Commissar Jacomo Maecantus.
Supporting drop troops (Storm Troopers) from the Helvardus 15th Airborne.

More pics to come, and next time I'll throw in a little fluff too!
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Friday, 28 September 2012


After spending the last month working on getting these 60 clanrats I can honestly say, though it has been said many times before by many Skaven painters, I'll be happy if I never have to paint another one ever again. Fortunately, for me that is now the case, since that's all 100 of my clanrats done!

Unit 1:

The Warpfire Thrower with this first unit is the one I painted a while ago, now joyfully reunited in fully-painted-ness with its unit.

Unit 2:

With the release of 6th ed. 40k now a few months in, I think I'll be taking a break from my rats for a while. I am however going to try and get some battle reports made with them soon.

Painting wise expect to see some of my Imperial Guard marching about soon enough!
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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Progress Report #1

In the next few days I'll be going far, far away from my hobby table for a while, so I really wanted to get my remaining 60 clanrats finished before then. Alas, I was only able to get them up to a minimum tabletop standard (base coloured, washed, some details and based). However this is still a good point to take stock of how I'm progressing so far and what I still have to do. So on to the pictures!

"Capture the Football/Soccer field we must, quick-quick!"

The first three pics show everything which is completely done, and in last pic you can see the two minimum standard units on either side. I hope you'll all agree that from this distance they are fine, I'll of course show them in more detail when there is more detail to show!

Still to do:

Finish 60 Clanrats, 1 WFT.
3 Warlock Engineers (1 with Brass Orb, 1 Doom Rocket).
23 Stormvermin.
40 Slaves.
2 Giant Rat Darts.
4 Rat Ogres.

So lots to go, but I feel like I'm about halfway through now. Anyway, that's gonna be it from me for a while, later!
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Thursday, 21 June 2012

To the Skies!!

My local GW is doing an Apocalypse game this Saturday for fliers, skimmers and jump infantry only, so I thought I use that as an excuse to slow down with the Skaven and get some Assault Marines painted up.

A quick note about me and Space Marines, I have a large and neglected pile of them from my much younger days in the hobby and a while back decided I wanted to redo them as a Dorn successor chapter. After looking around the 40k wiki I settled on the Iron Fists, because the colours looked fun and I liked the back story. However painting marines is something I've always found tedious so I wanted to find a way of quickly doing them, basically by making the majority of the model a wash over Astronomicon Grey. This was my first attempt:

I was pretty pleased with it, but I pretty much left it there thinking I'd get around to the rest of them at some point in the future.

However, when I came to do my Assault Marines I realised there was a problem, namely that the most important paint in my scheme, Asurman Blue wash, is nothing like the new Drakenhof Nightshade shade, but as I don't have enough of the old colour I had to switch to the new one and hope for the best. Anyway, here are the results:

Its hard to decide which wash I like better (though the point is moot since Drakenhof is the only real option without hunting down an Asurman lookalike) but while I really like the colour of the Asurman Blue, Drakenhof does make them look dirtier, which is cool.

Anyhoo, this was a fun distraction but back to clanrats I go.
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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Finished BSB

Just got this done and I'm pretty pleased with the result.

I did the banners first so that I could hold the model further up without rubbing off the paint, and after I did them I wasn't really taken with them. I imagine many people have similar feelings when it comes to freehanding though, since it takes practice to really get the image in your head onto the model. But anyway, now that the whole thing's done I'm happier with them.

I'm sure some of you have noticed the out of place shiny bits on the top banner in the second picture. It seems that Agrax Earthshade sometimes goes on matt, and other times glossy. Yeah. :/

Anyway, back to painting clanrats I go!

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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

More Clanrats, BSB w.i.p.

Just got done with another 20 clanrats with spears, which completes a unit of 40. I'm planning on mostly just using this unit as a bunker for my Grey Seer.

Also apologies for any blur in these pics, I'm still getting used to the camera I'm using.

As a break before I get started on another 20 (I dunno about anyone else, but painting these guys gets old fast) I've started working on my BSB, built from the stormvermin kit and doomwheel banner, with the mutilbanner inspired by Kimzi's fantastic BSB. In fact now that I look at it again I think the general feel of my BSB is going to be pretty similar, I think it inspired me more than I realised!

This model may prove a challenge as my freehand skills leave much to be desired, but as the internetz would say, challenge accepted!
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Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Well, it took longer than I thought it would (while at the same time I did less with it than I could have) but its done and I'm pleased with how it has turned out.

The model mainly consisted of painting two types of materials, ie metal and wood, neither of which I'm particularly comfortable with. However the new Balthasar Gold was a big help, it went on like a dream. I shudder to think about what a nightmare it would have been to get a consistent base coat down with the old range!

Another big help was the guide over at . With bigger models like this I never have any idea where to start and the clearly laid out guide was a godsend. He has loads of other Skaven guides, check them out!

Also this is my first Skaven model where I used Agrax Earthshade instead of Devlan Mud, and I have to say that despite some of the things I have read about the new liquid talent I think it looks pretty good, yes it is different from Devlan Mud but its not bad different imo. The hint of green in it actually gave a subtle verdigris effect on the gold areas (hard to see in the pics) but just came up brown on the silver areas.

Anyway, time to get to work on those 80 clanrats and 40 slaves giving me evil glares from the worktop. I expect my next post won't be for a while... :)
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Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Verminous Horde Shows Itself!

Picture time, here's everything Skaven that I've finished so far:
 Warlord Massiskikk the Scourgebringer!
 Grey Seer Velsisk.
 Engineer Thant.

 Infernal Devices of Clan Skyre.

 Horrors of Clan Moulder.
And what would any Skaven force be without the humble Clanrats?

I've done another 40 Clanrats but only to tabletop standard, so I won't show them till they're done (gives me incentive :p).

Also currently painting a Doomwheel (*excited chittering*) so should have pics next week.
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Hello world!


I'm a long time Warhammer/Warhammer 40k player recently returned to the fold after a, oh, 6 year break or thereabouts. I'm starting this blog for the same reason that many seem to, to provide motivation for my hobby during those times when my enthusiasm falters. I collected many an army in my younger days, yet they are almost entirely in a terrible state, so while I will eventually be spending time and blog space on getting them fixed and painted (yup, I used to be a grey plastic fielder), I thought I'd make a fresh start when I came back to the hobby with the Island of Blood box. Which army did I choose? Well, both! But I've started with the Skaven (High Elves have yet to even be assembled). So since these are the little critters which occupy my mind most right now, I expect most of what I put here will be related to them, for the time being at least.

And that's it, blog post number 1!

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